“I have spent well over $40,000 on these treatments with no success”. I experienced several physical and mental traumas over the last nine years. As a result of those traumas, specialists diagnosed me with having Chronic Pain Disorder, TMJ, Migraines, Major Depressive Disorder, Mild Brain Injury, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and a host of other symptoms and injuries. I sought out treatment from a variety of disciplines including Medical Specialists, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, NUCCA Chiropractors, Massage Therapists, Cranial Sacral Therapists, Acupuncturists, Dentists, Orthodontists, Occupational Therapy, Psychologists, Naturopaths, Holistic Practitioners, Nutritionists, Personal Rehabilitative Trainers, and Yoga Therapy. I have spent well over $40,000 on these treatments with no success. To say the least, I was extremely frustrated with my endeavor to find a treatment that would help, and I was frustrated with my inability to make progress with my health and injuries. I felt hopeless and I felt as if my body was literally dying. Then one day, I came across Dr. William Zhao’s name on the Internet. I researched his practice further and my instincts told me to make an appointment with him, so I did. I began attending acupuncture 2-3 times per week and taking the Yin-Yang Balance pills. I am now attending one day per week and also taking the Yin-Yang pills. It has been 5 short months and my body and mind have undergone a significant transformation including the following: • I have a significantly less number of migraines and TMJ issues. • I sleep through the night, whereas before I would wake frequently. • I have energy, whereas before receiving treatment from Dr. Zhao I could barely get out of bed and would sleep an average of 12-16 hours a day. • My mood is stable, whereas before I was on a rollercoaster ride of emotions every day even though I was taking anti-depressants. • My breasts and chest no longer hurt, whereas before my family doctor was unable to perform a breast exam due to the excruciating pain. • My body temperature is regulated, whereas before I was always freezing cold. • My sinuses issues and allergies are significantly reduced. Before receiving treatment from Dr. Zhao, I was always had plugged sinuses or the opposite including a runny nose, sneezing and nasal irritation. I was not able to pet my sister’s dog or be around her dog for more than a few minutes. Now I don’t sneeze or wheeze when I am around her dog and can hold him for long periods of time. • My digestion is great, whereas before I had diarrhea and irritable bowel type symptoms. I have no issues now. • Prior to receiving treatment from Dr. Zhao, I was sick with cold or flu symptoms every week. I have not been sick since I started receiving Dr. Zhao’s acupuncture or taking his Yin-Yang Balance pills. • My skin is glowing and my hair is growing back. Before starting treatment with Dr. Zhao, my skin was pale and sickly looking and my hair was thin and falling out. • I now crave natural whole foods, whereas before I craved junk food and sweets. Because of this significant change, I have lost weight and I feel lighter. • I no longer have swelling of my hands, feet and stomach. • My body felt very disconnected within itself and now I feel as if my body is functioning as a whole. The next phase of treatment with Dr. Zhao will focus on my back, neck and shoulder pain. I am certain I will experience positive and lasting results. Please note, I had received acupuncture before from other acupuncturists in the community and did not have a successful outcome. Dr. William Zhao’s acupuncture techniques and incredible knowledge are significantly different than other acupuncturists in that Dr. Zhao’s treatment works. Dr. Zhao, thank you for your skills, wisdom, dedication to healing and your compassion. Peter (office manager), thank you for your kindness, gentle demeanor and knowledge.